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Spaz The Great

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Spaz The Great last won the day on August 16 2016

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About Spaz The Great

  • Birthday 09/27/1988

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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    United States

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    Behind The Wall ||
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    [quote=Chris]I guess the "Vanilla Ice's" of the community thought it would be 'dope' ... or whatever...[/quote]
    I just thought that line sounded funny

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  1. So far my PS3 and PS4 are both still fully functioning. The Wii U, as well, is working just as well as when we got it. My two PS2s are not fairing as well, as the lasers don't read disks very well anymore. Same can be said about both of my Wii's. Although beyond laser issues, all four of those consoles operate as intended. My Vita is doing well, albeit not being used much and that's partially due to losing my charging cable AGAIN. My PSP works, but it's modded and probably a decade behind on mod updates. Oh, and it will not run off of the battery for some odd reason so the "handheld" aspect of it is gone.
  2. This was the very first GTA message board I had joined, and I had joined it back before Chris made the switch to IPB software. Back then it was like, phpBB I do believe. I had quite a good time over at GTAWH, as well. But this was my home. This was where I belonged.
  3. So, due to work and school and the such I JUST beat the storyline. Holy hell, that was a fun fucking ride. I kind of expected it to last a little longer, but then again I never expect a ride this fun to end. Touche, Rockstar, this was the game I've been waiting for. This is the game I wish GTA IV was, that game just didn't deliver like this one did. Damn guys, I don't even know what to say. I'm just sitting here, drunk, watching these credits roll. Fucking great game. Beautiful story, and now I just get to watch Chestnut's game and see what options she chooses. Can't wait. What did you guys think of this game as a whole? What did you feel when those credits rolled?
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know today was my last day of the semester, WHO WANTS TO HIT THAT ONLINE OVER DECEMBER? I'm down for anything except that run around killing everyone crap. If anyone would like to pull of some heists, I'd like to put in my candidacy for driver. I won't say I'm perfect, but I'm quick to maneuver, and quite skilled at getting out of jams.
  5. No, not fact. What was GTAO but DLC? And it was free, gifted to everyone who purchased the game. GTA Online is not DLC. They don't even consider it part of GTA V to begin with. .... GTAO is extra content, downloaded from the internet, which runs off of the GTAV engine and extends as well as expands the gameplay. Just because it doesn't fit into your small-ranged idea of what "DLC" is doesn't make it anything different than "DLC". Or, how about this, the blimp that came free with the game. Directly related to SP, downloaded content, free. Free DLC. My point is, not all DLC costs money.
  6. No, not fact. What was GTAO but DLC? And it was free, gifted to everyone who purchased the game.
  7. Having real people playing side by side with you makes it seem as though it will be just that much more interaction in the game. And you can pull off heists and stuff together? Not to mention being able to use your online character in the single player mode. Will this character interact with the main characters? I've heard some things, but I'm not entirely sure what's true or not.
  8. This looks to be incredible. Hopefully everything gets worked out just fine and the experience is not only as immersive as the single player game, but as they promise it to be. Can't wait to go online, anyone who wants to chill online hit me up on PSN, my name is in my profile.
  9. That area is a military base, and what I learned from a mission I will not disclose is that flying height has something to do with it. Meaning fly too high, get seen on radar. As low as possible is the key around that area. My first experience with flight I simply drove into the airport, stole a plane, and proceeded to lose my wanted level. They just let you in the airport, and it's not exactly hard to lose three stars on the ground, but in the air it's child's play.
  10. The damage doesn't have too much aesthetically, but bust you car up a good couple times and tell me the engine still runs fine.... I CANNOT make it up the mountain before losing my engine power....
  11. WAIT.... They let you get the parachute from the very beginning but you can't use it yet? WHAT THE HELL? That makes absolutely no sense, but okay, I'll wait.
  12. Everyone acts as if Rockstar isn't going to release a PC version because it didn't come out at the same time as the console versions. Neither did GTA IV. Neither did San Andreas. Are you guys just not use to this yet?
  13. Has ANYONE figured out how to open it? I sort of mashed buttons as I inevitably fell to my death.....
  14. With the PS3 version, you only get the one disk, but it still installs 8GBs of data onto the hard drive. So far, the gameplay has been smooth and quite enjoyable as it is impressive. No where near as intuitive as previous GTA's have been(I'd put it on as a slightly greater edge on the learning curve than GTA IV, which was a bit of a shock to get use to, but still easier than V). So far I've only completed one mission but I've made it to the top of Mt. Chilliad(and managed to fail my first skydive), and have successfully become proficient at aircraft flight. So far, I don't find the visuals to be overly-stunning compared to GTA IV, but they are definitely noticeably better, and the water I have found to be quite nice to look at.
  15. It was actually MegaCon 2013 in Orlando, FL. A lot of Trekkies there that year, as the main crew from Enterprise-D(BOOO!) was there. Had a lot of fun, and being dressed in TOS outfits got us a lot of glares.
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